In October, CAURUS Technologies extended its team by welcoming working students Jasmin Hobbold and Prithvi Simha. Both will apply insights from their study focus to further support development areas around the CAURUS Technologies’ aerial wildfire fighting system. The two new team members will work alongside the experienced and professional team of engineers, firefighters and business developers.

Jasmin M. Hobbold is a Master’s student in Aerospace at Technical University Munich (TUM). She will delve deeper into the topic of certification for wireless control mechanisms for external load carriers. Jasmin will conduct risk analyses and assessments to ensure the safety and reliability of wireless control modules for water release in standard water containers used in aerial firefighting.
Prithvi N. Simha is also a Master’s Student in Aerospace at TUM Aerospace. He will apply his study expertise to topics regarding aerodynamics and fluid mechanic aspects of areal forest firefighting. He will create and evaluate mathematical models and perform image analysis to calculate key performance parameters to measure the effectiveness of firefighting mission.

As CAURUS Technologies’ aerial forest firefighting system integrates digital technology and dispersion extinguishing technology for the first time, many development areas offer exciting opportunities to contribute to further elaboration of software for firefighting surveillance, image and data analysis, thermodynamics of future firefighting, new materials and more. CAURUS Technologies team will also be again at the TUM Career Lab on December 4, 2024. CAURUS Technologies was founded in 2022 by a team of engineering, management and finance professionals with combined 120 years of experience in aerospace and defense technology, corporate development and finance. The company aims to develop an innovative technology that can speed up the extinguishing process and multiply water’s impact on fire for better efficiency.